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[-PlaYeR-] killed -=]MfY[=-cpt_cork with sg552

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_office
Match August 2, 2002, 22:19:31
Round August 2, 2002, 22:49:07
Time August 2, 2002, 22:49:19
Winner [-PlaYeR-] (T)
Loser -=]MfY[=-cpt_cork (CT)
Weapon sg552
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
49:40 -|SoI|- Kpt.Blaubaer   was geht ???
49:47 -|SoI|- Kpt.Blaubaer T cork .. woher ??
49:48 Rocki.sTonEd   pordy
49:49 -[WC]-Buff T SuperShotGun
49:50 Rocki.sTonEd T |- Arctic Warfare Magnum -|
49:51 -[WC]-Frau T Colt bzw AK
49:53 Rocki.sTonEd T |- usp -|

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