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-=BL-HeDgEs=- killed Sgt. Pepper with m4a1

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match March 7, 2001, 14:17:38
Round March 7, 2001, 14:37:08
Time March 7, 2001, 14:37:58
Winner -=BL-HeDgEs=- (T)
Loser Sgt. Pepper (CT)
Weapon m4a1
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
38:39 Slaiver The Moskito[T@C]   killerywerg ist doof
38:41 [mmweg 6] Wasserspritze   hm erst mal fruehstuecken
39:01 Sgt. Pepper CT was isn mit falke
39:11 [F.@.S.T]Conan   der macht ne pause hehehehe
39:32 Sgt. Pepper CT lol
40:45 [N$]NATO - Killerzwerg   trerty
40:54 Slaiver The Moskito[T@C]   NATO doof wie kansste mir da rein laufen du hanswurst
41:08 [F.@.S.T]Conan   sorry
41:12 [N$]NATO - Killerzwerg   wieso ballerst du auf mich?
41:23 Slaiver The Moskito[T@C]   wenn du da her rensst und ioch am abllern bin

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