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|Vi| RyU -|---------- killed Omas Liebha[BAER] with usp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_bahrain
Match June 6, 2002, 22:16:26
Round June 6, 2002, 22:17:01
Time June 6, 2002, 22:17:45
Winner |Vi| RyU -|---------- (CT)
Loser Omas Liebha[BAER] (CT)
Weapon usp
Team Kill yes
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
17:47 |YY|God_Like   schoen wers
17:51 Omas Liebha[BAER]   forgive tk
17:51 |YY|Guinea_Pig   loooooooool
17:55 Omas Liebha[BAER]   forgive ta
18:02 Omas Liebha[BAER]   du Nuss
18:05 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
18:06 |YY|God_Like T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
18:42 Omas Liebha[BAER]   hallo spiel ich eigentlich alleine hier???
18:57 |YY|Guinea_Pig   der erste der lacht erschiess ich
19:09 |YY|God_Like   is nich wahr

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