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Voogel killed -=]TtT[=-RASPE with p90

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match November 27, 2002, 22:36:59
Round November 27, 2002, 22:51:24
Time November 27, 2002, 22:51:43
Winner Voogel (CT)
Loser -=]TtT[=-RASPE (T)
Weapon p90
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
51:59 Kraw   why are the guns shooting so slow?
52:19 Kraw   too laggy
53:04 von Schneidbrenner   muss reseten, zu viel fuer den alten pc
53:17 [ToBo] von Meissel T ok bis spaeter
53:54 RD_ChampioN T -[weapon dropped]-
54:06 RD_ChampioN T -[weapon dropped]-
56:02 [ToBo] von [lu]ft!ku$   legt doch mal die bombe jungs :))
56:43 -=]TtT[=-RASPE   geil
57:09 [ToBo] von Eck-Schwede   --lol--
57:25 [ToBo] von Eck-Schwede   visit us -- --

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