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QAMPA_Frutti killed dancewithdeagle with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match March 21, 2002, 02:06:50
Round March 21, 2002, 02:20:48
Time March 21, 2002, 02:21:20
Winner QAMPA_Frutti (T)
Loser dancewithdeagle (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
21:47 Omas Liebha[BAER] T jetyt alle hinter dem Marktplatz links und durch rushen!!!
21:58 QAMPA_Frutti   ach neee
22:05 dancewithdeagle   wieso??
22:18 Omas Liebha[BAER] T wieso nicht?
22:19 QAMPA_Frutti   hab wieder ein campa uebersehen
22:21 @->SANDROCK<-@   wa???
22:22 ][CsN][*-*SPOW*-*][TkrsBt][   wie was wie kann der
22:23 -|SoI|- Mercenary T -=| H&K MP5-Navy |=-
22:24 The Lhurgoyf T *** M4A1 / AK47 ***
22:27 Radmake T *** M4A1 / AK47 ***

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