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-|SoI|- *-=BaRR@CuDa=-* {*NNF*} killed bissl.mued with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_winternights
Match January 23, 2002, 17:25:38
Round January 23, 2002, 17:41:26
Time January 23, 2002, 17:41:40
Winner -|SoI|- *-=BaRR@CuDa=-* {*NNF*} (T)
Loser bissl.mued (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
41:58 [MCT]CrazyLizard   na geil
42:01 ][CsN][***MadGreg***   welche cd meinst du liz?
42:09 [MCT]CrazyLizard   ringers
42:15 ][CsN][***MadGreg***   die hab ich doch schon LOL
42:21 ][CsN][***MadGreg***   ich mein das RATM album
42:23 -|SoI|- sharpshooter   =======> L O L <=======
42:28 [MCT]CrazyLizard   ach du meinst renegades of funk?
42:28 -|SoI|- *-=BaRR@CuDa=-* {*NNF*}   nene schulter
42:29 CC|Schulterkrueppel T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
42:29 -|SoI|- Mercenary T -=| H&K MP5-Navy |=-

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