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Suicide of Das_Blub with world

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match January 7, 2002, 17:53:53
Round January 7, 2002, 18:16:41
Time January 7, 2002, 18:16:49
Winner Das_Blub (T)
Loser Das_Blub (T)
Weapon world
Team Kill no
Suicide yes
Time Player Team Text
17:28 Pimplegionaer T rechts, links, Wasser?
17:55 Pimplegionaer T heee, meiner!!!
18:04 Pimplegionaer T hehe
18:57 -=]MfY[=-gobo T bruecke
19:00 Pimplegionaer T wasser
20:00 -=]MfY[=-asmo T ;heheh
20:02 -|SoI|- sharpshooter   hiho leude
20:02 Pimplegionaer T wo?
20:07 Pimplegionaer   hi
20:08 DreiHodenBob   moin sharp

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