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][CSN][Nevermore killed |YY|Guinea_Pig with m4a1

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_havana
Match May 14, 2002, 20:04:51
Round May 14, 2002, 20:28:49
Time May 14, 2002, 20:30:18
Winner ][CSN][Nevermore (CT)
Loser |YY|Guinea_Pig (T)
Weapon m4a1
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
30:39 ][CsN][k@nU][mTa][   boah hoer auf mir sone fragen zustellen
30:40 |YY|Guinea_Pig T tolle ping
30:45 ][CsN][***MadGreg***   LOL
30:54 ][CsN][k@nU][mTa][   das gibs doch nich
30:56 [EKK]D3R_PaTi3nT   ja was hab ich dir denn getan??
31:01 [EKK] -=ReGALiS=- T Deagle
31:04 SHAR`K T -=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=-
31:05 ][CsN][k@nU][mTa][   du nervst patient
31:11 ][CsN][k@nU][mTa][   mann
31:44 [EKK] -=ReGALiS=-   cya all muss essen

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