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bullets|Glocke killed -dt|d0n4ld- with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust
Match December 13, 2001, 11:43:10
Round December 13, 2001, 11:58:39
Time December 13, 2001, 11:59:36
Winner bullets|Glocke (T)
Loser -dt|d0n4ld- (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
59:46 -dt|d0n4ld-   geht doch
59:46 bullets|Glocke   homerun!
59:47 -dt|d0n4ld- T ak/m4a1
00:40 -dt|d0n4ld- T ak/m4a1
00:44 -dt|d0n4ld- T deagle
00:49 -dt|d0n4ld- T ..:: NEED BACKUP ::..
01:05 -dt|d0n4ld- T Ich plante die Bombe
02:42 -dt|d0n4ld- T ak/m4a1
05:00 -=cannonfood=- Macros T Shield Your Eyes! I'm Throwing a Flashbang!
05:03 -dt|d0n4ld- T ak/m4a1

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