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bullets|dyn@staR killed [DontPanic]Arthur Dent with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_rio
Match December 16, 2001, 16:10:02
Round December 16, 2001, 16:40:36
Time December 16, 2001, 16:41:29
Winner bullets|dyn@staR (CT)
Loser [DontPanic]Arthur Dent (T)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
41:36 Hubschrau[BAER]   jetzt gehen die awm lamer einem wieder auf den sack
42:12 bullets|dyn@staR T deagle
42:13 -|SoI|- Madball T (COLT bzw. AK47)
42:14 |YY|noname T |- m4a1 / ak47 -|
42:23 ][CsN][Mitnal   I SEE DEAD PEOPLE
42:25 ][CsN][Mitnal T --- S O R R Y ---
42:49 ][CsN][Mitnal T --- S O R R Y ---
42:57 Assassin(AS)   alguem e brasileiro nessa porra?
43:21 [KFK-T] HaeschenKiller   teams bitte
43:30 bullets|dyn@staR   rofl

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