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[DrtyDzn]Rock Steady killed Soggy Oreo with m3

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match February 27, 2001, 02:32:59
Round February 27, 2001, 02:49:59
Time February 27, 2001, 02:50:54
Winner [DrtyDzn]Rock Steady (CT)
Loser Soggy Oreo (T)
Weapon m3
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
51:05 Soggy Oreo   ran out of bullets
51:15 [ncsu]dfmaus   damn
52:02 [LAMBTOTHESLAUGHTER> CT do that again and ill rip ya head off
52:30 $loW PaiN   du scheiss bullenschwein
52:31 [ncsu]dfmaus   shit!
52:56 Soggy Oreo   no more camping hunting instead
53:18 Spencer CT this gren was really god mozart
53:59 Baer mit Schiessgewehr   timeleft
54:08 Baer mit Schiessgewehr   nextmap
54:23 [ncsu]dfmaus   gj

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