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kOpernikus killed Hasenpfoetchen with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match November 6, 2001, 16:45:34
Round November 6, 2001, 16:58:35
Time November 6, 2001, 16:59:38
Winner kOpernikus (T)
Loser Hasenpfoetchen (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
59:48 ][CsN][Broli[Gnarf]   hase arum konntet ihr weiter spielen?
59:56 ][CsN][Broli[Gnarf]   bei mir war big timeout
00:00 kOpernikus T |- USP Tactical -|
00:47 ][CsN][Broli[Gnarf]   wa eh
00:51 ][CsN][Broli[Gnarf] T sorry ragna
01:10 kOpernikus T |- Mp5 -|
01:33 kOpernikus T |Plantin' the Bomb, need Backup|
01:52 [DoH!]zoN   r der server eben down ??
02:43 [DoH!]zoN   timeleft
02:48 [DoH!]zoN   nextmap

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