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lee the luv-dragon killed Silver with deagle

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match January 26, 2003, 13:08:27
Round January 26, 2003, 13:13:17
Time January 26, 2003, 13:15:19
Winner lee the luv-dragon (T)
Loser Silver (CT)
Weapon deagle
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
15:26 [ToBo] Zaphod von Zange T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: Blutrauschknarre ***
15:26 lee the luv-dragon   wizz woher hast dein nick ?
17:43 Waveman   tach andree
18:14 Waveman   tut mir leid
18:22 lee the luv-dragon T CONTACT THE ENEMY +/1
18:35 lee the luv-dragon T CONTACT THE ENEMY +/1
18:42 lee the luv-dragon   rofl neee
18:50 lee the luv-dragon   :(
18:54 muh   86 hp hab ich abgezogen D:
19:04 lee the luv-dragon   ts ich hab dir 6 hgits und nur 102 schaden

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