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Dexter killed -[N.Y.C.]-Joker- with mp5navy

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust
Match February 26, 2001, 09:42:00
Round February 26, 2001, 09:51:59
Time February 26, 2001, 09:53:11
Winner Dexter (CT)
Loser -[N.Y.C.]-Joker- (T)
Weapon mp5navy
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
53:16 [Pringles] Joker   andy werd wieder pringles und komm zu terror
53:19 HEiSSROppEr T du jude
53:23 [LJ]Homer[CARITAS]   -==L O L==-
53:24 [LJ]Homer[CARITAS]   -==L O L==-
53:24 Minirock T ***-=R E S T O C K E D A L L=-***
53:50 Minirock T ***-=R E S T O C K E D G R E N A D E S A N D A M M O=-***
53:53 [Pringles] Joker   andy nachste runde komm ich ruber
54:07 -=Cobra=-   fuck of headshots
54:29 Minirock T ***-=R E S T O C K E D A L L=-***
54:30 [WKA] Doc Green   fuck was is hier denn los?

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