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[FOP]the walking death killed jo be god with awp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match January 16, 2002, 18:57:07
Round January 16, 2002, 19:12:44
Time January 16, 2002, 19:13:23
Winner [FOP]the walking death (T)
Loser jo be god (CT)
Weapon awp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
13:45 ][CsN][sTyLOr   bin weg muss dbz
13:51 ][CsN][incoGnito[EKK] T jaja waeren wir mal oben lang:D
13:57 ][CsN][incoGnito[EKK]   abaaaa nein
13:57 ][CsN][sTyLOr   cu all
14:01 =[GBG][GreaTwoLve][-U-]= T jo
14:08 Dragoon   ahhhhhhhhhhhh
14:08 -dTy.Praetorian-   tocha schafft das eh ned der lappen
14:11 ][CsN][incoGnito[EKK] T kommt mal mit oben rushen k??
14:16 DreiHodenBob   k
14:23 =[GBG][GreaTwoLve][-U-]= T rechts lang oder

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