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-=SHamAN=- killed Laetitia lebt!!!! with usp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match October 7, 2001, 17:44:36
Round October 7, 2001, 17:45:14
Time October 7, 2001, 17:45:33
Winner -=SHamAN=- (T)
Loser Laetitia lebt!!!! (CT)
Weapon usp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
46:01 Corvus Corax   scheiss nachladen
46:21 Corvus Corax   die desert sollte 20 schuss bekommen
46:27 Laetitia lebt!!!!   jau
46:28 [AXLFANCLUB]ErSelbst   jo
46:30 |YY|Grinder   50 am besten
46:31 =HIV=BananaJoe   die Laetitia Lebt!!!
46:32 [AXLFANCLUB]Vereinheinz   war ja klar
46:40 Laetitia lebt!!!!   MUAHAHAH
46:40 Corvus Corax T (Desert Eagle)
46:41 ReverenD T <= M4A1 bzw. AK47 =>

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