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Player killed nWo.Nanook with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match October 6, 2001, 19:00:43
Round October 6, 2001, 19:08:52
Time October 6, 2001, 19:09:58
Winner Player (T)
Loser nWo.Nanook (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
10:01 -|SoI|- Rufus   wo fahren wir denn hin? und wer kommt mit?
10:05 Boffi   ms
10:06 Boffi   ??
10:07 ***Mc_Freestyler***   thx @ Marc H. nicht mit
10:08 -|SoI|- Doc Green   player wenn du nich yakmann bist wer denn dann???
10:08 Corvus Corax   danke fuers rechen
10:09 ReverenD T <= Restocked: Primary Ammo =>
10:10 [u.Sh]arpshooter T << bought desert eagle >>
10:11 Corvus Corax T (H&K MP5-Navy)
10:15 -|SoI|- Doc Green   juhu

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