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CC|Kane killed G-Train with sg552

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_office
Match October 10, 2001, 22:03:36
Round October 10, 2001, 22:30:53
Time October 10, 2001, 22:32:07
Winner CC|Kane (T)
Loser G-Train (CT)
Weapon sg552
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
32:11 [n!]CorCor   yy bock gegen rinck zu zocken
32:25 ReverenD T |=> M4A1//AK47 <=|
32:26 [n!]CorCor T (Colt M4A1 bzw. AK47)
32:26 ReverenD T -> Restocked: HE-Grenade <-
32:26 [n!]Laetitia T (Colt M4A1 bzw. AK47)
32:53 [BAER]serker   vote cs_thunder
33:02 (1)Brutalo   sorry
33:05 [BAER]minator   nein das hab ich nciht
33:09 [BAER]minator   naine !!!
33:18 ReverenD T -> Restocked: Primary Ammo <-

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