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Ferkelwemser killed |YY|Grinder with aug

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match September 25, 2001, 18:48:58
Round September 25, 2001, 19:05:10
Time September 25, 2001, 19:05:26
Winner Ferkelwemser (T)
Loser |YY|Grinder (CT)
Weapon aug
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
05:27 =HIV=BananaJoe   danike
05:35 |YY|jaegermeister   glueckskind alter
05:48 banana   so sory bout the tk
06:48 ]-=[FKT]=-[-=Rocco=- T on reste ensemble les gars, on va les tuer !
06:50 ]-=[FKT]=-[-=Rocco=- T C'est la guerre !!!!
06:52 ]-=[FKT]=-[-=Rocco=- T C'est la guerre !!!!
06:53 ]-=[FKT]=-[-=Rocco=- T C'est la guerre !!!!
06:58 andres bueno   vdgfdhgugdhgdfgfygtd
07:01 ]-=[FKT]=-[-=Rocco=-   Visiter notre site
07:04 ]-=[FKT]=-[-=Rocco=- T ----->*Je me branle, couvrez moi!*<-----

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