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DER PIZZAOGER killed Viper with p90

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match August 12, 2001, 17:44:27
Round August 12, 2001, 17:58:28
Time August 12, 2001, 17:58:57
Loser Viper (CT)
Weapon p90
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
59:06 [CitN]DayWalker T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: Steyr Aug bzw Sig SG-552 Commando***
59:08 Papst Kuno T *** Status Report: Restocked: Ammo, Armor, HE-Grenade ***
59:09 =HIV=freeCLIMBer T okay besser nicth mehr LOL
59:11 [CitN]DayWalker T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:H&K MP5-Navy ***
59:33 BOLTZEN_ATTACK   sorry
59:40 (1)][CsN.][***Chicoco***[N&SC] T --- Sorry! ---
59:51 Nicolaj   scheiss block mann
59:58 =HIV=freeCLIMBer T immerhin 3 von ct tot SCHLUCK
00:05 Nicolaj   wer war das?
00:14 Papst Kuno T *** Status Report: Restocked: Ammo, Armor, HE-Grenade ***

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