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Duron killed Player with m4a1

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match March 5, 2001, 23:55:10
Round March 6, 2001, 00:12:19
Time March 6, 2001, 00:13:00
Winner Duron (CT)
Loser Player (T)
Weapon m4a1
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
13:13 CC|Kane   sor
13:20 Duron   auch so
13:49 brain[LES]splatter   lol
13:54 CC|Kane   mann mann noch einer
13:57 tHALER   alles klar kane
14:06 brain[LES]splatter   ich sach ja die knubbeln sich
14:07 CC|RoiDanton T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Benelli XM1014 ***
14:08 CC|Kane CT ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Jetzt wird gerult mit AK-47 bzw Colt ***
14:10 tHALER T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
14:47 Nghiep Duoc Pham   armer Schattenkacker....

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