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ANALINTRUDER killed Master of Disaster with sg552

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match March 23, 2001, 03:13:14
Round March 23, 2001, 03:40:32
Time March 23, 2001, 03:40:53
Loser Master of Disaster (CT)
Weapon sg552
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
41:09 Kam The Man   we need to even the sides. somebody change
41:10 HenryFree   whoa
41:18 Cwazy Wabbit T sorry
41:20 -|SoI|- -=ACIDWARZ=-   super wabbit
41:23 -|SoI|- -=ACIDWARZ=-   np
42:04 HenryFree   ich kauf nie wieder mps
42:18 Erik_Ko T die rulen uns weg
42:33 HenryFree   die rippen uns ab

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