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][CsN][THESEAL[DTAG] killed -[bfc]- Revolvermann with aug

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match September 6, 2001, 22:08:45
Round September 6, 2001, 22:10:31
Time September 6, 2001, 22:11:33
Winner ][CsN][THESEAL[DTAG] (CT)
Loser -[bfc]- Revolvermann (T)
Weapon aug
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
11:38 ][CsN][THESEAL[DTAG]   hm grr rson mist
11:39 BOLTZEN_ATTACK   schwein gehabt
11:46 (1)>bTCe   uff, dann hab ich aber die wand durchloechert
11:47 ][CsN][THESEAL[DTAG]   alles koennen ggg
11:51 [TheMill] Luftgewehr   schulterkrueppel, die m3 ist kein snipergewehr
11:52 -=B|B=- BaDWolf   HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROI !
11:52 (1)>bTCe   hehe
11:52 CC|Schulterkrueppel T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Benelli M3 Super90 ***
11:54 CC|RoiDanton T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
12:44 ][CsN][THESEAL[DTAG]   sorry

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