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=HIV=Ptahhotep killed [mmweg 6] Flitzebogen with sg552

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_thunder
Match March 24, 2001, 22:55:05
Round March 24, 2001, 23:16:03
Time March 24, 2001, 23:17:07
Winner =HIV=Ptahhotep (T)
Loser [mmweg 6] Flitzebogen (CT)
Weapon sg552
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
17:22 [mmweg 6] Flitzebogen   die maus hat blockiert
17:26 St@   jaja
17:31 [mmweg 6] Flitzebogen   echt
17:56 [-SONS-] Shinji_Ikari   gibs zu du wolltest ragna erschiessen! *g*
18:01 St@   *lol* *g* *rofl* *freu* *jubel* *spei* *wuerg* *kotz* *roechel* *mitlaufer*
18:08 [mmweg 6] Flitzebogen   ok es ist raus
18:13 CC|Kane T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
18:15 [-SONS-] Shinji_Ikari T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: H&K MP5-Navy ***
18:54 [-SONS-] Shinji_Ikari   nein nein nein
19:07 [-SONS-]-=Ragnarock=-   ach fuck

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