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~~Major Tom~~ killed =HIV=BananaJoe with deagle

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_tpoint
Match February 14, 2002, 14:45:12
Round February 14, 2002, 14:50:01
Time February 14, 2002, 14:50:26
Winner ~~Major Tom~~ (T)
Loser =HIV=BananaJoe (CT)
Weapon deagle
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
50:51 bin 16 geworden EZI !!!   schnief
50:56 bin 16 geworden EZI !!! T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
51:53 =HIV=BananaJoe   --- Hey Hey bin ich scheisse ---
52:05 bin 16 geworden EZI !!! T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
52:15 =HIV=BananaJoe   --- Hey Hey bin ich scheisse ---
52:31 QAMPA_Frutti   --- Hey Hey JOE ----
52:40 bin 16 geworden EZI !!!   einen frag juchu
52:42 bin 16 geworden EZI !!!   |<>Juchu<>|
53:09 bin 16 geworden EZI !!! T mein vater is bescheuert
53:16 bin 16 geworden EZI !!! T der kommt hierrein guckt geht widda

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