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Dunkler Ort killed [=TLK=] VOOGEL with mp5navy

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match July 1, 2001, 17:59:32
Round July 1, 2001, 18:05:00
Time July 1, 2001, 18:05:17
Winner Dunkler Ort (CT)
Loser [=TLK=] VOOGEL (T)
Weapon mp5navy
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
05:53 ][CsN][HonK   man
06:03 CC|Marvin T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Ammo, Granades, Armor and Items ***
06:04 Dunkler Ort T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Waffe: AK-47 / Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
06:33 Simplex   aua
07:07 RoCKa   wie kann man 2 HEs kaufen?
07:21 sorry   brauchst nen rucksack
07:21 Dunkler Ort   mann bist du doof die haben ja 90 sec buytime
07:23 _JoD_XXM_Scrull   put
07:32 Dunkler Ort   nur anfaenger
07:36 CC|Marvin T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Ammo, Granades, Armor and Items ***

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