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CaptinHack killed COJRaven with p90

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match April 21, 2001, 05:02:53
Round April 21, 2001, 05:09:00
Time April 21, 2001, 05:09:33
Winner CaptinHack (T)
Loser COJRaven (CT)
Weapon p90
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
10:04 pocoloconewbie T immer schoen zusammen vorgehen
11:07 pocoloconewbie   was los mako?
11:22 [BtbW] mako   nicht meine map aber ich werde besser
11:25 RIZLA   danke
13:28 -=Johnny=-(Taiwan)   SAAB
13:36 [BtbW] mako T Same TEAM!!!!
13:38 [BtbW] mako T Sorry, just a click too much!
13:49 Fowdogg T I didn'r die
14:04 |-DWB-|Psyko   alder
14:14 |-DWB-|Psyko   *shock

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