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-[atg|MeisterLampe]- killed CC|Killabee with awp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_rats
Match May 8, 2001, 14:31:26
Round May 8, 2001, 14:56:19
Time May 8, 2001, 14:57:42
Winner -[atg|MeisterLampe]- (T)
Loser CC|Killabee (CT)
Weapon awp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
57:49 CC|Killabee   so ein held
58:00 -=]BTF|Schwule_Hupe[=- T Killabee mach ma andere Map
58:04 -=]BTFIRyuSFII[=-   langweilig
58:13 -=]BTF|Slayer[=-   hurentreppen
58:34 [JoD] Guinea_Pig T naja ist nun mal eine campermap
58:57 [JoD] Guinea_Pig T lol
58:59 -|SoI|- ReverenD   grrr, nix kapiert....
59:01 -|SoI|- ReverenD T >>>Zur Sicherheit: KEVLAR & HELMET<<<
59:01 Fluffy   snell snell do biste ainen sniper
59:01 CC|Killabee T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***

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