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[TNG]JoNeS killed CC|Killabee with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_office
Match June 16, 2003, 18:45:08
Round June 16, 2003, 18:58:13
Time June 16, 2003, 18:58:25
Winner [TNG]JoNeS (T)
Loser CC|Killabee (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
58:29 c$n.HrvaT   sehr lol jj
58:39 blONdes   na klar..
58:41 oi.jar jar   ok... oder LSR
58:41 Requ!.eM T -[WEG mit DiR]-
58:54 blONdes   weil ich ja garnicht schiesse
59:10 oi.cherub   ach das gitbs doch garnicht NUR headies
59:15 CC|Killabee T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:AWP ***
59:15 blONdes T Aufgetankt!
59:36 oi.cherub   neeeeeeeeeeieiiiiiinn
59:49 c$n.HrvaT   wat du auch furn shic emachst cherub

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