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[SQ]Noname killed Cherub with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_rio
Match November 25, 2002, 19:42:05
Round November 25, 2002, 19:50:28
Time November 25, 2002, 19:51:16
Winner [SQ]Noname (T)
Loser Cherub (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
52:22 [SQ]Noname   du sollst die geiseln holn und dich nich verstekcen :)
52:39 c$n.Spow T klar docgh
52:45 -=cannonfood=- profivo T Shield Your Eyes! I'm Throwing a Flashbang!
52:55 -=cannonfood=- profivo T Shield Your Eyes! I'm Throwing a Flashbang!
53:10 -=cannonfood=- profivo   tkx
53:12 [SQ]Noname   damn, nich ma einen erwischt
53:18 -|SoI|- Mercenary   np :p
53:37 [SQ]Noname   /hits
53:58 [SQ]Noname   /hp
54:49 -=cannonfood=- profivo T Take Cover! I'm Throwing a High Explosive Grenade!

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