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[WKA] Doc Green killed =HIV=Ptahhotep with awp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_assault
Match February 14, 2001, 03:00:52
Round February 14, 2001, 03:21:10
Time February 14, 2001, 03:22:03
Winner [WKA] Doc Green (T)
Loser =HIV=Ptahhotep (CT)
Weapon awp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
22:06 =HIV=Ptahhotep   autsch
22:19 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   na klar
22:59 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   koennen wir nicht spielen standard-CC gegen rest
23:03 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks T >>>Zur Sicherheit: KEVLAR & HELMET<<<
23:42 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks T >>>Restocked: primary ammmo<<<
23:54 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks T >>>Restocked: HE-Grenades<<<
24:03 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks T >>>Restocked: HE-Grenades<<<
24:12 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks T >>>Restocked: HE-Grenades<<<
24:22 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks T >>>Restocked: HE-Grenades<<<
24:35 Zinger163 T hes on the bridge

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