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-|SoI|- Eonar killed CC|Kane with usp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_office
Match July 23, 2002, 21:25:00
Round July 23, 2002, 21:25:27
Time July 23, 2002, 21:26:19
Winner -|SoI|- Eonar (T)
Loser CC|Kane (CT)
Weapon usp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
26:40 -|SoI|- Jem'Hadar   na toll ich will gimli
26:48 -|SoI|- Dexter Jettster   he kane not enough votes... sie wollen alle gimli :)
26:57 n00b   noe wollen sie net
26:57 -|SoI|- Scully   jetzt ist axl Big Tymers :)
26:59 CC|Kane T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:H&K MP5-Navy ***
27:00 c$n.nevermore T ***m4/ak***
27:01 -|SoI|- Jem'Hadar T - MP5 -
27:02 CC|Kane T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:AWP ***
27:07 BiG*TyMErs   achnee scully
27:09 BiG*TyMErs   :D

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