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|||||drUnkeN2k||||| killed stinky with deagle

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match March 3, 2003, 22:32:22
Round March 3, 2003, 22:54:57
Time March 3, 2003, 22:55:24
Winner |||||drUnkeN2k||||| (T)
Loser stinky (CT)
Weapon deagle
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
55:46 p!nGr0cK3r T hp
55:52 p!nGr0cK3r T /hp
55:59 p!nGr0cK3r T /rank
56:10 p!nGr0cK3r T /skill
56:13 [nocl]jelzin T i`q``
56:16 c$n.b3$oFF3n   mann bei den pingZ koennte ich kotzen
56:18 Jos4m!te   Baerli...hassu das nu auch mit den ms Verzoegerungen?
56:23 SauBer   moep
56:37 c$n.b3$oFF3n   lol kanu :D
56:42 [ToBo] Zaphod von Zange T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Ich will auch mal treffen Gewehr ***

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