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-riSe^^ killed Cohen with awp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_train
Match May 12, 2002, 20:49:58
Round May 12, 2002, 21:00:23
Time May 12, 2002, 21:00:43
Winner -riSe^^ (T)
Loser Cohen (CT)
Weapon awp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
00:58 |YY|TOTO   jaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahahaha
01:17 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil   sorry for ta-tk fogive me pls
01:24 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil   tut mir so leid vergib mir BIIIIITTTTEEEEEEE
01:28 -riSe^^ T .: dropped
01:32 ][CsN][k@nU][mTa][   klaro
01:35 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil   sorry for ta-tk fogive me pls
01:35 eGo T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
01:36 eGo T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
01:40 Peska   ok
01:41 eGo T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Take Cover! I'm Throwing a High Explosive Grenade! ***

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