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(1)-=B|B=- Dark*sEvEn killed |- -DrTod- -| with deagle

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_prodigy
Match February 11, 2001, 12:14:15
Round February 11, 2001, 12:16:29
Time February 11, 2001, 12:16:55
Winner (1)-=B|B=- Dark*sEvEn (T)
Loser |- -DrTod- -| (CT)
Weapon deagle
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
17:15 -=NFK=-Norman Bates CT slaiver ich brauch dich
17:20 Slaiver   lol
17:26 (1)-=B|B=- Dark*sEvEn   sauber
17:26 -=NFK=-Norman Bates CT is so
17:29 -=NFK=-Norman Bates CT ich will da hoch
17:31 |- -DrTod- -|   oe
17:32 -=NFK=-Norman Bates CT komm mal bitte her
17:36 |- -DrTod- -|   camper fucker
17:46 Slaiver   wo
17:48 -=NFK=-Norman Bates CT duck dich da hinten

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