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~~Major Tom~~ killed CC|Schulterkrueppel with awp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_trainraid
Match July 5, 2002, 22:39:35
Round July 5, 2002, 23:06:22
Time July 5, 2002, 23:06:35
Winner ~~Major Tom~~ (T)
Loser CC|Schulterkrueppel (CT)
Weapon awp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
06:37 ~~Major Tom~~
06:42 ~~Major Tom~~   ich kanns nicht lassen
06:47 ~~Major Tom~~   verfickter dreck
06:53 QAMPA_Frutti   jo
06:59 ~~Major Tom~~   schulter resete mal meine awm/kills bitte
07:07 -|SoI|- Eonar   -= pfft...der war ja easy :=) =-
07:13 [TheMill] Flitzebogen   nextmap
07:42 CC|Schulterkrueppel T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:G3-SG-1/SG-550 Sniper Rifle ***
07:52 -|SoI|- Eonar T -= Normalowumme =-
08:19 |YY|SilentBob   lol eo mit 8

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