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Server Stats of ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike

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Last Update: September 11, 2007, 09:29:14
Servers 1
Processed Log Lines 26486169
First Match Started February 7, 2001, 01:38:48
Last Match Ended November 23, 2003, 22:16:19
Real Time Period 1019:20:37:31 (1020 days)
Total Players Seen 96095
Total Play Time 3069:17:52:22
Different Maps 281
Total Matches 18596 (18 per day)
Total Rounds 398051 (21 per match)
Total Incidents 2373562 (2327 per day)
Total Kills By Team 1177767 (CT) : 1195795 (T)
Total Deaths By Team 1196434 (CT) : 1177128 (T)
Total Wins By Team 173024 (CT) : 186827 (T)
Total Suicides 31463 (31 per day)
Total Team Kills 27926 (27 per day)
Total Quotes 2983947 (2925 per day)

Minimum Time 5:00
Minimum Kills 10
Minimum Deaths 10
Minimum Maps Played 1
Minimum Matches Played 1
Days Since Last Seen 0
Players Excluded 81171 of 96095
Rating TOP 10
Long-Term Statistics
Name Rating
nir 8017
3 x nup = nuaaaap 7918
=Frauke= 7588
Gorefester 7407
-[4fs]-! 7363
-=]KoD[=-ChUcKy [ Le@dEr ] 7199
gl 6558
-dt|d0n4ld- 6442
1337 M4$t0r 6418
DSLsuxX 6389
Skill TOP 10
Short-Term Statistics
Name Skill
=Frauke= 1330
-[4fs]-! 1315
[mmweg 6] Luftgewehr 1311
DSLsuxX 1306
m][craVen 1303
-=]KoD[=-ChUcKy [ Le@dEr ] 1299
nir 1296
Der Mongole 1294
gol 1292
S C H E I S S M A P 1292

Most Hostages Killed 128 =HIV=BananaJoe
Most Hostages Touched 1557 CC|Killabee
Most Hostages Rescued 522 CC|Killabee
Most Bombs Planted 990 Q_Frutti
Most Bombs Defused 302 =HIV=BananaJoe
Most Targets Bombed 292 Q_Frutti

Most Kills 24459 CC|Kane
Most Deaths 22993 TERRORIST-2(TREFF@NIX)
Most Suicides 288 -|SoI|- Tekener
Most Team Kills 332 CC|Kane
Most Team Deaths 207 -|SoI|- Doc Green
Most Play Time 11657:02:11:05 CC|Macke
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